Friday, December 10, 2010

Decorating the Christmas Tree

Due to all the snow that we have been getting we have not been able to get a Christmas tree. So Art and I decided to pull out the fake tree this year. We wanted Zatanna to experience decorating the tree. The first thing Zatanna wanted to do was decorate the tree with stuffed animals. I found out last night that my daughter has stuffed animal radar. I was in the closet getting out the tree and decorations and randomly Zatanna finds this Easter duck that is in the corner of the closet in an Easter basket. No clue how she saw it, but she did and he is now out celebrating Christmas.

I got this plate a couple of years ago. When we unpacked it I told Zatanna that we use this to plate to put out cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve. After my explanation of what we do she took the plate headed right for her dad in the kitchen and asked for a cookie.

She had fun trying to put the angel on the tree. Unfortunately the top of the tree would not hold the angel.

Then Zatanna wanted to try putting the lion on the top of the tree.

As I started unpacking the ornaments to figure out which ones could go on the tree, Zatanna kept asking for the ornaments and wandering over to her desk with them. When we finally looked to see what she was doing with them we found this.

We allowed Zatanna to decide where all the ornaments went on the tree. She really enjoyed herself. Here is a picture of Zatanna with the final product.

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