Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Monroe County Sheriff's Mounted Patrol

Zatanna and I went to the Library to attend a presentation by the Monroe County's Mounted Patrol. Zatanna loved seeing the horse from a distance. It just so happens that the horse, Sam, at the presentation was the same horse that Zatanna saw previously at the training facility next to Wild Wings. Given her age the presentation did not hold her attention. She was more interested in yelling "Hi" to Sam. After the presentation they allowed people to come up to Sam to pet him. Zatanna did not want to get up close with Sam. I was about an arm's length away from Sam before she turned away. Zatanna had a great time running around the grounds of the library. She loved their flowers.

Sam and one of the Mounted Patrol Officers

Zatanna playing with her hat during the presentation.

Admiring/picking the flower buds from the plants.

Enjoying running around on the library grounds.

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