Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Zatanna turns 1!

Zatanna's first year went so quickly. It was not too long ago that Art and I were heading over to the hospital 5 weeks early because my water broke. The following day March 18th at 2:52am Zatanna Amara made her grand entrance. She stole our hearts very quickly. We could not imagine our lives without her.

Her first year has been filled with lots and lots of smiles, some tears (hers and ours), ear infections and numerous daycare contracted illnesses. Through all of it our hearts have been filled more and more each day with our love for her.

For her first birthday we planned a small family birthday party. Unfortunately Zatanna got a bad ear infection the week of her planned birthday party. We had to cancel the party and have a small celebration at home. Although not the party that we planned, Zatanna's day turned out great. We went for a photo shoot in the morning, lunch at Red Lobster and then spent the rest of the day together at home. We will post more birthday pictures soon.

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